A circuit is simply an electrical path in which current flows. It can be as simple as a battery lighting a light bulb or as complex as some of the circuits in the computer you're using. A circuit may contain any number of devices as long as current flows into one terminal and out of another terminal back to the power source, it's a circuit. If you'd ask most people how often they make or break the connections in a circuit, they'd likely say rarely or never. What they don't realize is that every time they flip a lightswitch on or off, they're making or breaking a circuit.
Some people say that a bad (intermittant) connection is a short (circuit). A short circuit would cause current to flow through a path other than the intended path. Usually the short path has very little resistance, causing excessive amounts of current to flow out of the power supply. When a power wire shorts to ground causing a fuse to blow, that's a short circuit. If something turns on and off when you move a wire or connector, that's an intermittantly open connection (open when the device turns off).
Conventional Flow vs Electron Flow in DC Circuits:
In the DC circuit demo above, the current flow is 'electron' flow. This means that it shows the 'electrons' (note the little E in the moving particle) flowing from the negative terminal of the power source (the battery). This is the way the current is actually flowing. Most of the time, people consider the flow of current to go from the positive terminal to the negative terminal. This is called 'conventional' current flow. If you need to imagine the current flow from positive to negative (much easier for most people), that's fine. When you hear someone arguing about current flow and it's actual direction of flow, ask them if they're talking about electron flow or conventional flow.
As a side note... In AC circuits, the polarity is continuously changing so you have electrons flowing both ways in the circuit. Keep reading through the directory in order and the AC/DC concept will be explained shortly.
Unless otherwise noted (by the use of an 'E' in the moving particle or by a text note), current flow will be conventional flow. In some demos, there is a moving particle which indicates current flow but it has an 'O' in it instead of an 'E'. This means that the particle is not an electron and it shows conventional flow.
This site was started for pages/information that didn't fit well on my other sites. It includes topics from backing up computer files to small engine repair to 3D graphics software to basic information on diabetes.
This site introduces you to macro photography. Macro photography is nothing more than the photography of small objects. It can take quite a while to understand the limitations associated with this type of photography. Without help, people will struggle to get good images. Understanding what's possible and what's not possible makes the task much easier. If you need to photograph relatively small objects (6" in height/width down to a few thousandths of an inch), this site will help.
If you're interested in air rifles, this site will introduce you to the types of rifles available and many of the things you'll need to know to shoot accurately. It also touches on field target competition. There are links to some of the better sites and forums as well as a collection of interactive demos.
This site helps anyone new to computers and anyone with a basic understanding of computers with a desire to learn more about the internal components of a computer. If you have a computer that you'd like to upgrade but don't know where to start, this is a good site for you.
This site is for those who want to begin racing karts but don't fully understand how the various parts work. It's mostly interactive demos that show how the various parts of the kart work.
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